This month many things happened for me! First of all school had started up again, and I couldn't be happier to see my friends again. On the down side my Math class is a totally pain in my butt, but oh well that's life for you.
Bookish wise, YALLFest is little over a month away and I am working my book off to collect enough money and books for the trip. You could say I'm a little bit excited.
Diamonds in the Rough comes out this month! Soon enough everyone will be able to own a book with my name in it, just the thought makes me giddy.
Lastly for this bookish month, I finally sent out my first ARC requests. Guess what?! I already got my first request in the mail, I got Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano.
When I first started blogging I had heard multiple times that publishing's don't consider you a serious blogger until 3 things happened. One, you post multiple times a week. Two, you have over 100 blog followers or a good amount of page views each month. Three, your blog must be over 6 months old. So having Simon and Schuster accept my request makes me feel like I'm serious blogger now, and that's all I really wanted.Something that I'm also very excited about that's not really bookish but exciting, is Halloween! I have nothing official yet about what I want to be, but I have a few ideas. What about you guys? What are you guys planning? Let me know here or on Twitter!
Now for the bookish stats!
Books Read in September:
October Releases I'm Excited For:
Book Haul for September:
Library Book Haul:
Books Reviewed:
Diamonds in the Rough by Michelle Madow
Made for You by Melissa Marr
Movies Reviewed:
That's it for this month! I hope your guy's month was as bookish filled as mine!